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博彩网址大全社会工作学院,我们强调实践,以技能为基础 在课堂上学习,让博彩网址大全的学生准备好开始工作 when it's time for them to complete fieldwork.

社会工作教育委员会赞同“实地教育的作用” “签名教学法”在社会工作教育中推广、合作、推荐 并向社会工作领域的教育者和相关会员分发信息 组织."

我们与400多家当地非营利组织、卫生保健机构和社区合作 组织为学生和实地考察主管找到合适的人选.

学生们在当地学校打工. 两名博彩网址大全学生坐在教室前面的地板上,年轻的学生围成半圆形.

学生 work at a local school as part of the 社会 work program.


Individuals interested in supervising field experience:


博彩网址大全的实地教育办公室与学生和机构密切合作,以确保 a positive and appropriate experience.


What are the responsibilities of the field instructor?
  • 检查 野外教官手册(PDF) for field education policies and procedures.
  • 完成新现场教官所需的现场教学认证课程.
  • 在招收学生之前参加第一阶段(共六阶段),并完成全部六阶段 两年内的会议.
  • Complete ongoing training requirements to remain a field instructor.
  • Arrange for an agency orientation and training for the student.
  • Serve as a mentor and role model to the student.
  • 帮助学生选择角色、任务和活动 实习场地,确保新的学习适合学生的计划 级别(B.S.S.W. 或米.S.W.).
  • 协助学生在前三周内完成学习协议 本学期的.
  • 每周与学生单独会面至少一小时以进行监督.
  • 指导学生整合实习经验和社会工作的关键概念 和方法.
  • Evaluate the student's progress regularly.
  • Meet with the student and practicum liaison for the mid-semester site visit.
  • Provide regular, constructive feedback to students about their performance.
  • 联系指定的实习联络人,讨论有关学生的问题 在项目中的地位,环境的适宜性,学习目标,需求和 any other issues that may detract from a successful practicum experience.
  • Recommend a "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory" grade with the final evaluation.
  • 完成组织和现场教练申请/续期的文件并提供 updated information on a regular basis to the University and collaborative.
What are the benefits of being a field instructor?
  • Use of the University libraries; contact the 实地教育办公室 访问.
  • 应用 for tuition remission to complete a graduate 课程. 可要求申请 by calling the 实地教育办公室. 的 deadlines for applying for tuition remission are July 1 for a fall 课程; Nov. 1 for a spring 课程; and April 1 for a summer 课程.
  • 获得所有现场教练认证课程和正在进行的免费CEs 教育会议.
  • 获得证书,证明向学生提供的现场指导 在学期结束时,可以用于社会工作执照的要求 继续教育. Three CEs are granted each semester that may apply to Missouri 许可.
  • 在学院内的多个常设委员会和特别委员会及工作小组任职 社会工作.
我想要更多的学生. How can I market my agency to students?
  • 学生 select a practicum site through a structured self-selection process. 学生 与指定的实习联络人会面,以产生想法,并与现场进行面谈 and select a site that has offered an opportunity to them.
  • 学生们通过张贴在实习板上的传单了解网站 社会工作学院一楼,我们的内部谷歌实习网页和 合作网站. 机构 are welcome to send a one-page flyer that advertises 他们有机会在电子公告板和谷歌网站上发表文章.
  • 兼职米.S.W. 学生和一些B。.S.S.W. students need evening and weekend hours 为了他们的实践. If your agency can offer evening and weekend hours, please share the information with the 实地教育办公室.
  • 学生 complete 300 hours for each practicum. 的 practicum must be completed in a minimum of 10 weeks and a maximum of 20 weeks. 因此,学生必须完成 每周15到30小时.
  • B.S.S.W. students complete two 学期 at the same location for 480 total hours. M.S.W. students who do not have advanced standing must complete 900 hours over three 学期. 的se three 300-hour practica include one semester of generalist-level 经验和两个学期在一个地方集中水平(总共600学时).
  • 所有学生可以在学期开始前两周开始实习 and have between 10-20 weeks to complete a practicum. 然而,学校社会工作 通常情况下,你需要每周工作3到5天 整个学年. For all practica, student orientation and training can count toward the total required hours for the practicum.
Can students count any hours completed for practicum off-site from the agency?
在实地指导老师的允许下,学生可以计算预先安排的任何校外时间, 例如教学,家访,外展,在分支机构/附属机构工作, 参加会议或研讨会或其他有责任的活动 组织到活动中. 学生 who wish to engage in unstructured activities 非现场,如在网上或在图书馆进行研究,工作 在家中进行项目或其他类似活动时,应征求家长的同意 field instructor before the activity. Further, accountability for such hours should 如书面或口头报告这段时间的成就. 非结构化、非现场活动最多可计算30小时,除非 pre-approved by the practicum liaison.
What should I do if I am experiencing problems with my student?
对学生的进步给予持续的建设性反馈是非常重要的. 如果发生了重大问题,实地教官可以考虑编写一份书面报告 计划提高绩效. If challenges continue after a written plan has been developed, field instructors are asked to consult with the practicum liaison. 实习 联络员可以进行咨询,为学生制定特殊合同, and in extreme situations, can consider termination of students from sites. 沟通 在具有挑战性的情况下,场地和实习之间的联系非常重要.
What are students not allowed to do?
学生不应分发药物,身体约束客户,或游说 一名大学代表(鼓励学生参与宣传活动) as representatives of their practicum agency). Furthermore, students may not "take 除了常规假期和春假,他们的实习活动没有“休息” 实习联络审批. 学生 experiencing personal issues that prevent them from completing their practicum should consult their practicum liaison. 禁止任何 重大的,不可预见的情况下,学生应计划完成他们的时间表 practicum in a continuous manner within the 10- to 20-week period allowed.
我们的网站需要背景调查和药物测试,但不能为学生做这些. How does the student take care of these?
学生可能需要支付犯罪背景调查、虐待背景调查、 TB or drug tests required by the site. 的 注册处 能否安排背景测试. 的 大学学生健康处 can assist with the other medical tests that may be needed.
什么是任务指导员? 他们是怎么做的?
A task instructor is an agency-based instructor who does not possess an M.S.W. 学位 和/或有两年硕士后工作经验.S.W. experience or who has not been employed by their 代理一年. Task instructors either possess an M.S.W.,却不相逢 要求是一名合格的野外教官,或者他们拥有硕士学位 在相关领域. Qualified task instructors are used when the agency is unable 提供合格的.S.W. employee for student supervision and an M.S.W. 社会 隶属于该机构但不受雇于该机构的工作人员提供现场指导 每周监督(M.S.W. concentration level only students).