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The Saint Louis University Museum of Art (博彩网址大全MA) originally was built in 1900 as the 圣之家. 路易斯俱乐部,花了32万美元.

圣. Louis Club dated from 1886, when it was organized in a building at Locust 街和尤因大道. 这可能是当时最高档的俱乐部 林德尔大楼设备昂贵. 1896年的建筑竞赛决定 the designer and style of the building, with Arthur Dillon of the New York firm Friedlander 狄龙被选为首席建筑师.

The architects designed the building in the Beaux Arts style, which was used for prominent 二十世纪之交的城市结构. 这座建筑有一个凸起的屋顶 basement of rusticated limestone and a high-pitched mansard roof. 正立面 has a tripartite organization (the central projecting block displays Ionic columns) 和一个有支柱的柱体. Flanking sections have tall casement windows with limestone 四周和装饰性墙面天窗.


St. Louis 1904 World's Fair is said to have surfaced at a dinner 在大街上. 路易斯俱乐部,大部分的计划都是在那里进行的. 俱乐部随后购买了 14 paintings from among those exhibited at the World's Fair. 这些形成了原子核 of a collection that became one of the best-regarded private collections in the city.

For its first quarter-century, the building was the center of St. 社交生活 并被一些美国官员访问.S. 包括克利夫兰总统麦金利总统 塔夫脱,罗斯福,威尔逊和哈丁. 赫伯特·胡佛在那里受到款待 担任商务部长. 在他们访问圣. 路易,塔夫脱,威尔逊和 Hoover were lodged in a suite on the third floor of the building.


1925年的一场大火导致圣. 路易斯俱乐部时代的林德尔. 尽管只是很小的 受损后,这栋楼被卖掉了. 这幢大楼先后被几家公司使用 over the years, until the University purchased the building in 1992 from Saint Louis 大学校友,弗朗西斯E. 小奥唐纳., M.D. 这座建筑是 博彩网址大全 Graduate School and the School of Public Health and was known as O'Donnell Hall. The building was named the Doris O'Donnell Hall in honor of Dr. 奥唐纳的母亲, a long-time employee and director of alumni relations at the University. 指定的 as a historic landmark, the structure is distinguished for its architectural character, 功能和丰富的细节.


Reflecting its Jesuit heritage, values and traditions, aesthetic enrichment is an 是博彩网址大全教育的重要组成部分. 艺术向我们介绍 myriad cultures and diverse interpretations of human life, the beauty of nature and 上帝在万物中的存在. 通过艺术,我们有机会发展 直觉、鉴赏力、想象力和洞察力.

The Saint Louis University curricula are designed to assure that formal study in the fine and performing arts complements study in the humanities and the natural physical 科学. The education of our students is further enriched by the University's art collection and its four other museums and galleries, by the University's location in Grand Center, the city's arts and entertainment district.

The Saint Louis University Museum of Art (博彩网址大全MA) enriches the aesthetic component of a 博彩网址大全 education through the display of diverse cultural worlds and the sponsorship 与艺术有关的教育项目.

The museum is a regional venue for scholarly presentation of works of historical art and artifacts and also is a venue for exhibitions of work by students, faculty, staff, 大学的校友、恩人及朋友. 它汇集了大学的 permanent art collections with traveling exhibitions in an inviting setting which is available and accessible to the community, the region and the world.


Distinguished by its Jesuit-based tradition and successive achievements in the aesthetic transformation of its urban campus, Saint Louis University has opened a facility that will develop into one of the nation's top university museums. 中心位置 在中城街. Louis, as well as in the heartland of America gives the Saint Louis University Museum enormous potential in its ability to both become a premiere gallery, as well as an educational center for historical research in art history and cultural 表达式. 博物馆 will present the University and public communities with items relevant to the Jesuit educational philosophy and ideals, the history of the surrounding area, the works of local, national, internationally acclaimed artists.


The Jesuit tradition lends itself to the contemplation of objects of culture in relation 教育机构. 从16世纪的概念开始 philosophy and focus of the Society of Jesus have been centered upon education of 整个人. University of San Francisco arts educator and artist Thomas Lucas, S.J., comments on the fundamental role that art has played in the foundations of Jesuit 形成与发展:

Ignatius understood and trusted the power of the human imagination. 他塑造了自己的 "Spiritual Exercises" around its careful and attentive use as means of finding God 在所有的事情上. Moreover, he saw the products of the imagination, as vehicles that transport us to an understanding and experience of higher realities in ways that linear 话语无法引导我们. 他热爱音乐,建造并修复了美丽的教堂, and allowed and even encouraged the performance of plays in his schools. 耶稣会学校 and institutions became flourishing artistic centers in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in Europe and also in Jesuit missions around the world.

Liberal education in the Jesuit tradition flourishes with the visual stimulation triggered 通过个人周围的社会形象. 艺术反映了社会 hence, it enriches cognitive thinking and development of social 表达式. 长期存在的 history of Jesuit participation and leadership in the arts -- both their spiritual pursuits and also their work in educating the students and local community -- will be strongly supported by the addition of Saint Louis University Museum. 博物馆 represents a critical step in realizing the University's mission, advancing St. 伊格那丢的 ideals, as well as increasing the overall exposure of society to the arts.