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2024年6月9日- 14日

St的学生. 路易斯市中心机场航空暑期学院

的 Saint 路易 University 航空暑期学院 invites 学生 entering grades 11 and 12 to learn more about different areas of study and career paths in aviation. The program is a six-day, five-night residential camp.

During the academy, faculty, certified flight instructors and student mentors guide participants through hands-on activities in subjects that include flight science, aviation management, aerial navigation, aircraft design, unmanned aerial vehicles 空中交通管制.

Academy participants also take flights in Saint 路易 University airplanes with our certified flight instructors, participate in off-校园 field trips and explore 博彩网址大全’s 校园.

详情如下. 如果您有任何问题,请与我们联系 sseoutreach@mcsoccer.net.


Rising high school juniors and seniors who currently have a 2.平均绩点在5分或以上 有资格参加. All application requirements must be met in order to be considered. Space is limited, preference will be given to rising high school seniors.



  • 2023年12月:申请开启
  • 3月22日: 航空暑期学院 and scholarship applications due
  • 4月: Notification for acceptance and scholarship recipients
  • 5月17日: Final non-refundable tuition payment must be postmarked
  • 6月9日营地登记于下午2点开始.m.
  • 6月14日:夏令营结束. Lunch for 学生 and invited guests begins at 11:30 a.m. 在吃饭的时候有一个简短的节目. 1点开始退房.m. 州外学生 是否应该预订相应的交通工具. 参与者被要求留下来 最后一天是午餐和演讲.

Modules explore the varying areas of the aviation industry and consist of dedicated instruction and interactive activities led by faculty members, certified flight instructors 以及演讲嘉宾. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are provided for participants.

Below is a sample schedule based on past academies. 学生将收到他们的期末成绩单 报到时安排2023年的活动.


After check-in, meet your counselors and learn about the schedule for the week. 办理登机手续 从下午2点到5点举行.m. 在学生宿舍. 将提供机场交通服务 下午2点开始.m. 为来自其他州的学生准备的.

Join an ambassador of Saint 路易 University to discover the beauty of our 校园 and hear first-hand experiences from a current 博彩网址大全 student. 在参观之前,先探索一下 McDonnell Douglas Hall and follow the historic timeline that details our rich history 作为美国最古老的航空学校.

Break into groups and compete in a series of timed, problem solving activities.

休息一下,享受一下圣. 路易的传统泰德·德鲁斯冻蛋奶冻.


Tour the Parks Center for Aviation Science at the St. 路易斯市区机场. 你 will practice your piloting skills on 博彩网址大全’s flight simulators and learn how to preflight an aircraft with guidance from certified flight instructors and 博彩网址大全 aviation 学生.

Learn how to read aerial maps and create a flight plan. 探索最新科技 航空电子设备和飞行仪表.


Take a flight in a Diamond DA/20 aircraft with experienced flight instructors and 看到圣. 从空中传来的路易斯(天气允许).

访问 the Saint 路易 University 西蒙娱乐中心 where you can swim at the pool and 打篮球或排球.


访问 a location in the aviation industry to explore possible career paths and learn from professionals currently working in the field.

Explore the various fields within the aviation industry in addition to piloting, such 作为航空安全和机场运营. 了解人道主义领域的机会 航空和其他可选择的职业道路.


Enhance your understanding of basic aerodynamics through interactive activities and demonstrations of Parks’ wind tunnel laboratories.

Maneuver a 博彩网址大全 quad-copter through an obstacle course while discovering the many facets 无人驾驶飞行器行业.

Take another flight in 博彩网址大全 aircraft with a certified flight instructor to a different 当地机场,着陆,飞回来. 学习如何在航海日志中记录飞行时间.


Before you leave Summer Academy, visit 博彩网址大全’s central hub for student activity. 的 BSC is home to many student organizations, dining and the University bookstore.

On this last day of the academy, families are invited to attend the closing luncheon and enjoy a short program to wrap up the week-long experience.



Payment is not due until acceptance decisions have been made. 全额和部分奖学金 是可用的. Students wishing to be considered for a scholarship need to submit the scholarship application in addition to the general application by March 19.

Tuition covers all meals, room and board, materials and activities during the academy, including field trips, flights, simulators, academic modules and evening entertainment. St之间的交通. 路易 Lambert International Airport, Amtrak’s St. 路易 station and 博彩网址大全’s 校园 at the beginning and end of the academy is included for out-of-state 学生.


全额和部分奖学金 for Summer Academy tuition 是可用的 based on financial 需要与优点. Submit the scholarship application by March 17 in order to be considered.

Scholarship applicants must complete all regular application requirements plus the 网上奖学金申请. 的 application will ask you to answer the following 问题:

  • Why do you want to attend the 航空暑期学院?
  • Why are you applying for a scholarship for the Summer Academy?
  • Why are you a viable or deserving scholarship candidate? (考虑学术或学术 achievements, extracurricular activities, demonstrated interests, etc.)

应用 for a 2024 航空暑期学院 Scholarship


Consideration for acceptance into the 航空暑期学院 requires the following 组件:

  • 3月19日截止的在线申请表格.

Due to limited space, preference will be given to rising high school seniors.
