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Read below for policies on tuition, payments, refunds and more from the Saint Louis 大学医学院.


  • 博彩网址大全医学院采用单学期制招收学生

  • 一学时为全日制

  • 一学年的标准学时为36个

  • 学生将为他们注册的每个学期支付全日制费用

博彩网址大全医学院的医学生通过了 通常的课程将支付四年的学费,这是收费的 每年两次,以适应联邦援助规定. 有几种付款方式 学生可以利用. 更多信息可在学生金融服务 下面的网站.


所有医学生都应遵守 University’s tuition payment schedule as published on the student financial services 网站 并且列在账单上. 任何不符合学校要求的学生 announced deadline for the initial tuition payment will be subject to a hold placed 在他们的学生账户上,并承担财务费用.

All medical students must promptly satisfy the University’s registration requirements 作为继续就读医学院的条件.

Graduating students must satisfy all tuition and other financial obligations to the 大学毕业后才会被授予学位.e.健康保险等. 学生 who either withdraw or transfer must also satisfy all tuition and financial obligations 在更改状态最终确定之前,向大学提交申请.

Outstanding tuition balances remaining at the end of the academic year must be p援助 在每年6月1日之前缴交全部税款. 任何未付的学费余额或其他 financial obligation remaining after that date may prevent you from registering and 从下一学年开始.

In addition to completing the prescribed curriculum, 博彩网址大全 医学院 policy stipulates that all students will pay no less than four full years of tuition (eight 为了毕业. 转学生必须支付全额学费 每个学年都要出席.

In special circumstances, it may be possible for you to complete the required curriculum 在比惯例更短的时间内. 但是,根据您的个人喜好,可以进行任何调整 这种情况不能成为你不支付全额学费的借口.


学生 who matriculate, are assessed tuition, then withdraw from the 博彩网址大全 School 医学学士学位的学费可以退还一部分. 退款处理如下:

撤军日期 可能的退款












*Weeks outlined above will commence the first week of class for the SOM grade level, 而不是个别学生.

退款的例子 年级水平:MED 1 可能的退款
2024年春季开学日期 01/08/2024  
第二周结束 01/20/2024 100%的退款
第三周结束 01/27/2024 90%的退款
第四周结束 02/03/2024 80%的退款
第五周结束 02/10/2024 70%的退款
第六周开始 02/17/2024 学费不予退还



This portion of the policy applies only to students placed on an official Leave of 缺勤(LOA),并且一学年博彩网址大全时间少于36小时.

学期的一部分 已注册学时 学费的百分比
上半年(第二次付款前) <18 (学时/36)×全年学费
下半年(第二次付款后) <18 (学时/36)×全年学费
  • 学生 with 18 or more credit hours per part of term will pay half of the full-year 那一半的学费 
  • 纵向课程将收取前半部分
  • 回溯登记变更:
    • 减少博彩网址大全人数不会影响收取的学费
    • 博彩网址大全人数的增加可能会影响收费学费
  • 如果LOA的生效日期是在学年开始或学年开始之前 the second part of the term, the student will not return until the start of the 下一学年,不应收取学杂费



  • 申诉将直接向学生财务服务中心提出
  • Appeals will be reviewed by a committee comprised of members from Curricular Affairs, 学生事务及学生财务服务


Federal law requires that all students receiving financial assistance from Title IV 和第七章基金保持令人满意的学业进步.

Satisfactory academic progress occurs when the student passes all required courses or at the end of each term is deemed eligible by the Student Progress Committee to progress to the next academic level; completes 67 percent of his or her cumulative attempted credits; completes his or her degree within 150 percent of the four-year M.D. degree program; and passes USMLE Step 1 and 2CK exams.

学业不及格的学生 progress are not eligible for federal 第四章和第七章基金.

The academic progress of each student is monitored and evaluated at the end of each 学期由学生进步委员会负责. 学业不及格的学生 学生财务服务部将通知并指示进度. 预警警报 will be issued to students at appropriate intervals within terms exceeding more than 六个月.


  • Good Standing: Student is meeting all SAP requirements and is eligible for federal 援助.
  • Warning: For a student previously in good standing, warning 状态 occurs automatically 在学期结束时,如果学生没有达到SAP的要求. 在收到警告时, 学生可以在一个博彩网址大全期间获得经济资助. 最后 在此期间,学生必须表现良好,否则可以申请留校察看 状态.
  • Fail: At the end of a warning term, a student still fails to meet SAP requirements 因此没有资格获得联邦援助. 这个学生可能会提出上诉 留校察看.
  • Probation: The Student Progress Committee may assign a probation 状态 to a student who has successfully 上诉ed to be reinstated after failing to meet SAP requirements 在学期结束时. 必须提交书面上诉.

An SAP 上诉 must include causative factors, remedies and solutions, documentation 有任何减轻罪责的证明以及导师或学者的签名 advisor confirming the existence of a written academic plan by which the student can 完成他或她的课程并满足所有SAP要求.

SAP申诉提交给大学满意学术委员会并由其审查 Progress Committee, which will respond directly to students with the results of the 上诉.

学生进步委员会由教师组成,他们将对学生进行评估 表演. 委员会审查所有的笔录、记录和报告来决定 if a student has fulfilled all academic requirements and certifies the student’s eligibility 为了晋升到下一年和毕业.



  • Know all the federal, University and private student financial assistance programs 可用.
  • Know the policies, procedures, forms, deadlines and eligibility requirements to apply 奖学金/经济援助和选择受助人的标准.
  • Know the policies, procedures, forms, deadlines and eligibility requirements for a 出国留学计划.
  • Know the costs of attending Saint Louis 大学医学院, how those costs 你的学生预算是如何制定的.
  • Know what resources we have considered in calculating your financial need, how your FAFSA's Expected Family Contribution was determined and how much of your financial 需求已经得到满足.
  • Know the standards required for maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress for scholarship/financial 援助的资格.
  • Know how and when disbursement of scholarship/financial 援助 is made, the University's refund policy for costs p援助 to the University and any refund due to Title IV federal/state 或者其他学生援助项目.
  • Know the terms and conditions of any loans, employment or scholarships you receive.
  • Know the policies and procedures used to maintain confidentiality of scholarship/financial 援助记录. 博彩网址大全遵守家庭教育权利和 1974年隐私法(FERPA).
  • Know who and how to contact the scholarship/financial 援助 staff regarding information 关于奖学金/经济援助项目.
  • Know the academic programs of the University, the facilities 可用 and the faculty 以及教学人员.
  • Expect fair treatment, Saint Louis University's Office of Scholarship/金融援助 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, 性取向、残疾或退伍军人身份.
  • All University policies, practices and procedures are administered in a manner consistent 我们的天主教徒,耶稣会士身份.
  • Know the names of bodies which accredit, approve or license the University and its 程序,以及如何审查这些文件.
  • 了解大学的药物和酒精滥用预防政策.
  • 了解大学生的毕业率和就业率.
  • 了解大学的联邦贷款违约率.
  • 了解校园安全政策和犯罪统计数据.
  • Know what facilities and services are 可用 to University students with disabilities.


  • 在你注册之前,阅读并考虑有关大学的所有信息.
  • Complete all University applications thoroughly and accurately, submit them to 在规定的截止日期前送到适当的办公室.