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Libraries in Madrid

马德里有各种各样的图书馆,其中大多数对公众开放。 为学生和其他学者提供丰富的研究资源 researchers while studying at 博彩网址大全-Madrid.

在访问这些图书馆时,建议携带您的图书馆身份证件和官方身份证件 (such as your passport, residence card or Spanish national ID). Such identification 如果您计划申请可使用此选项的库卡,则可能需要.

Public libraries provide most of their resources in Spanish. However, the National 图书馆、学术图书馆、政府图书馆、博物馆和其他专业图书馆提供多种服务 materials in other languages, including English. Loan privileges are available at public libraries. Some other libraries may require a letter of presentation to access their collections. To obtain this letter, contact the library office at

The hours of the libraries can be found on their websites; however, keep in mind that 一些书店可能会在晚上和周末关门,保持减少营业时间。 the summer or close during the month of August. In addition, most university libraries 通常在期中和期末考试期间可能限制使用其设施 February and June.

Public Libraries

Madrid's Regional Public Libraries

Branches closest to campus:

  • Central (Main library)
    Calle Felipe el Hermoso, 4
    P: (+34) 91 445 97 82
    Metro stations: Iglesia, Quevedo, Alonso Cano
  • Acuña
    Calle Felipe el Hermoso, 4
    P: (+34) 91 541 36 19
    Metro stations: Iglesia, Quevedo, Alonso Cano
  • Retiro
    Calle Quintana, 9
    P: (+34) 91 501 91 46
    Metro station: Argüelles
  • Ruiz Egea
    Calle Raimundo Fernández Villaverde, 6
    P: (+34) 91 534 90 29
    Metro station: Cuatro Caminos
  • Manuel Alvar
    Calle Azcona, 42
    P: (+34) 91 726 37 01
    Metro station: Diego de León
  • Pedro Salinas (Centro)
    Glorieta Puerta de Toledo, 1
    P: (+34) 91 366 54 07
    Metro station: Puerta de Toledo

Madrid's Public Libraries

Branches closest to campus:

  • Iván de Bargas
    Calle San Justo, 2
    P: (+34) 91 758 62 11
    Metro stations: Sol, Latina, Ópera
  • Aluche
    Calle Camarena, 10
    P: (+34) 91 719 89 96
    Metro stations: Aluche, Laguna
  • Dámaso Alonso
    Calle Manuel Ferrero, 1
    P: (+34) 91 350 31 50
    Metro stations: Plaza Castilla, Chamartín, Duque de Pastrana
  • Islas Filipinas
    Calle Nuestra Señora del Villar, 6
    P: (+34) 91 403 63 22
    Metro station: La Elipa
  • Conde Duque
    Calle Conde Duque, 9-11
    P: (+34) 91 588 59 10
    地铁站:Ventura Rodriguez, San Bernardo, Noviciado, Plaza de Espana
  • Vázquez Montalbán
    Calle Francos Rodríguez, 67
    P: (+34) 91 398 07 23
    Metro station: Francos Rodríguez
  • Chamartín
    Calle Mantuano, 51
    P: (+34) 91 510 37 56
    Metro stations: Concha Espina, Prosperidad