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In order to receive IT services at 博彩网址大全-Madrid, students, faculty and staff are required 遵守信息技术法规和政策.

By accessing 博彩网址大全-Madrid account, you agree to abide by the 博彩网址大全-Madrid IT rules and policies. 不遵守规定可能导致纪律处分或刑事诉讼.


All students are currently provided with access to the internet from any general purpose laboratory, and may use any of the internet facilities and resources relevant to their coursework. 然而,未经授权的访问,或试图访问,任何网络或 您没有正确授权帐户的系统或公共Internet access to, constitutes an offense under 博彩网址大全-Madrid regulations and information technology rules. 因此,未经授权的访问或试图访问可能会导致纪律处分 正在采取的措施.

  • The laboratories are to be used solely for activities related to undertaking study 在大学.
  • Your accounts are strictly for your own use, and you must take all reasonable precautions 防止其他人出于任何目的使用它们.
  • When you first log in, you should immediately change your initial password to a password 你会很容易记住,不容易猜测或破坏. 学习如何编写密码.
  • You may use your accounts only as necessary to fulfill 你的课程要求, 即使你有能力做其他事情.
  • The University reserves the right to access any student-owned files stored on University 没有事先通知的服务器. 此外,大学可以并将删除任何数据 存放在那里被认为是不合适的.
  • You may not use 博彩网址大全 provided computers to store any data that is not required to fulfill 你的课程要求.
  • You may not make any attempt to use any other account or folder not intended and lawfully 分配给您个人使用.
  • You must provide proof of identification if requested to do so by any lab coordinator 或者是IT部门的职员.
  • Students who are not part of a class must leave the laboratory at the request of a 为课堂预定了实验室的讲师.
  • Damaging, removing, making inoperative or making to appear inoperative equipment in 禁止进入任何化验室.
  • 禁止在实验室内吸烟、饮食.
  • Behaving in a way, which interferes with other users' reasonable access to, or use of, the equipment (such as by creating a disturbance, making excessive noise or entering 上课时)禁止使用.
  • You must comply with the discipline rules regarding harassment and intimidating behavior.
  • Use of the laboratories for, or in relation to, behavior that constitutes sexual harassment including the gratuitous use or display of pictures or objects with sexual connotations is prohibited.
  • 禁止为私人利益使用实验室.
  • The copying of any software or other data, which may be subject to copyright laws, or in contravention of licenses, under which 博彩网址大全-Madrid is permitted to use the software is prohibited.

If a student violates any of these rules, IT staff or the lab coordinators may ask 作为第一个纪律措施离开实验室的人.


The following code sets out what is considered acceptable behavior for the use of your 博彩网址大全 email.

Your student email address is one of the ways by which the University communicates with you. 请注意,大学可能会使用其他形式的通信,如邮件, 但只使用学校的电子邮件地址发送电子邮件. 信息有关 your courses and the 博彩网址大全 computing facilities may be sent to you throughout the year. It is your responsibility to check your email regularly or ensure that your 博彩网址大全 mail 被转发到你经常检查的电子邮件地址. 换句话说,如果你不 use 博彩网址大全 mail you must forward your 博彩网址大全 mail to a mail service that you do check regularly. 这种类型的转发可以通过使用web邮件接口在线完成.

Your use of the University mail facilities is restricted to bona fide purposes only, i.e. 与教学、学习、研究、管理相关的 或任何与你在大学的学习课程有关的活动.

  • 不订阅你的大学电子邮件地址的列表服务和新闻组. Instead 使用你的个人电子邮件地址.
  • 在未执行病毒扫描之前不要打开任何附件.
  • 对待电子邮件消息的安全性就像对待明信片上的消息一样.
  • 清除邮箱中不需要的电子邮件以节省磁盘空间.
  • 在回复邮件时不完整地复制邮件. 这对读者来说很难 也是资源的浪费.
  • 不要不必要地广播电子邮件信息. 这很容易做到,但可能非常 烦人的收件人(浪费资源). 特别是,不要发送或转发 chain emails.
  • 确保你的信息的“主题”字段是有意义的. 当有人收到 many messages, it can be very confusing and frustrating not to be able to judge the 题材正确地从其主题领域.
  • 不要发送轻浮、辱骂或诽谤的信息. 除了不礼貌 或冒犯,他们可能违反法律.
  • Remember that sending email from your University account is similar to sending a letter on a 博彩网址大全 letterhead, so don't say anything that might discredit or embarrass the University.


  • The creation, transmission or publication (other than for properly supervised and lawful research purposes) of any offensive, obscene or indecent images, data or other material, or any data capable of being turned into obscene or indecent images or material.
  • The creation or transmission of material which is designed or likely to cause annoyance, 不便或不必要的焦虑.
  • 诽谤制作或传播诽谤材料.
  • 以新闻组条目的形式输入和储存令人反感的材料. This includes the following groups (and any similar groups which might emerge from 不时地):好吧.sex, alt.binaries.pictures.erotica, alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica 以及上述所有附属小组.
  • 传播侵犯他人版权的材料.
  • The transmission of unsolicited commercial or advertising material either to other 用户组织,或连接到其他网络的组织.
  • Deliberate unauthorized access to facilities or services accessible via the 博彩网址大全 Network
  • 具有下列任何特征的蓄意活动:
    • wasting staff effort or network resources, including time on end systems accessible via the 博彩网址大全 Network and the effort of staff involved in the support of those systems;
    • 破坏、毁坏其他用户数据的;
    • 侵犯其他用户隐私的;
    • 干扰其他用户工作的;
    • using 博彩网址大全 Network in a way that denies service to other users (for example, deliberate 使网络或交换设备过载);
  • The continued use of an item of networking software or hardware after IT department has requested that this use ceases because it is causing disruption to the correct 博彩网址大全网络的功能
  • 其他滥用网络资源,如引入病毒等.
  • When the 博彩网址大全 Network is being used to access another network, any abuse of the acceptable use policy of that network will be regarded as unacceptable use of the 博彩网址大全 Network.

A student who commits an offense, repeats it or violates any of these rules is liable 罚款如下所示. 如果IT部门的主管发现一个学生 has committed an offense, the director may, in relation to the offence, decide to:

  1. 训斥犯罪的人;
  2. suspend the person from the use of all, or part of, the 资讯科技服务, including (but not limited to) disconnecting internet from the rooms in the residence, if it applies;
  3. 关闭相关账号或取消相关服务;
  4. 对当事人处以不超过500欧元的罚款;
  5. determine compensation payable by the person to the University for damage to the Information 技术服务;
  6. take any action, being a combination of the actions specified in (a) to (e) (inclusive).