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学校认识到,即使是善意的学生也可能做出决定 do not demonstrate responsibility as it pertains to living in community with others. The purpose of this protocol is to provide guidance and encouragement for students, even those in violation of community standards themselves, to act in ways that help 照顾那些可能处于身体或情感危险中的同学.

At some point in their college career, students may find themselves facing an ethical 两难的境地. 一些糟糕选择的组合可能会导致涉及酒精的情况 intoxication, drug overdose, sexual misconduct or physical assault, where a student 最终严重需要医疗或专业协助.

In situations where students seek appropriate help, Saint Louis University considers 这些行动首先是负责任的健康和安全干预措施. The University has accepted the following 负责任行动协议, which it hopes 是否有助于减轻学生对寻求帮助的担忧 从而促进所有学生的负责任行为.



Any student whose physical or mental safety is impaired and is in need of emergency medical assessment and possibly treatment or other professional support and assistance. 损害的来源可能是,但不限于,酒精中毒,药物 吸毒过量,性侵犯,或者身体侵犯.



In situations where students are seeking help for endangered students, the University will consider the positive impact of the assisting student's actions when determining 任何相应的纪律处分. 大学将努力平衡 assisting student's actions against the series of choices that led to the emergency. In most cases, the assisting student will not be charged with any community standard 违反. 在其他情况下,当协助学生的行为之前寻求 help negatively contributed to the endangered student's situation, some educational 需求(我.e.、药物/酒精评估、反思报告、咨询等.), 可能会被强加.

Without question, when an assisting student acts responsibly to assist an endangered student, such actions will be viewed positively by the University when determining 是否需要采取任何行动,包括通知家长. 在这种情况下 where serious or egregious incidents have occurred (particularly those involving severe 伤害、攻击、破坏等.),协助学生的行为可能会被追究责任 formal community standards action(s), but the University will consider an assisting students' efforts to summon aid as a mitigating factor when determining any sanctions.

帮助一个有危险的学生并不是给帮助的学生提供毯子 国际特赦组织. 表现出一贯和重复的参与模式的学生 at-risk behaviors or who have contributed to an endangered student's condition may 受到纪律处分、医疗审查和/或治疗. 未能完成 requirements or sanctions may be treated 作为一个行为问题 by the Office of Student 责任及社会标准. RAP并不排除或阻止行动 由警察或其他法律当局. 学生可能会被追究不当行为的责任 和/或因使用和/或滥用酒精或其他物质而造成的损害.

Students who fail to take responsible actions in emergency situations void all protections ,并可能对在下列情况下造成恶化的因素负责 社区标准程序. 不采取负责任的行动可能会导致严重的后果 when such failure to act results in a violation of University rules, regulations or 政策.



In an emergency, particularly where an alcohol or drug overdose is suspected or where other medical attention may be warranted, responsible students are asked to take the 以下步骤:

  • Call DPS at (314) 977-3000 and/or contact a Housing and Residence Life staff member 立即.
  • 和需要帮助的人呆在一起(除非这样做不安全).
  • Cooperate fully with emergency officials at the scene and with University officials 事后.

In many cases, the answer is yes; however, assisting students may be required to meet 与大学官员一起完成教育或发展练习.

在这种情况下 where more serious or egregious incidents have occurred (particularly those 涉及严重伤害、攻击、损坏等的.),帮助学生可能仍然是 subject to formal conduct action, but the University will consider the students' efforts 在评估可能的制裁时,将寻求援助作为缓解因素.


The RAP seeks to reduce an assisting student's concerns about calling for immediate 通过取消或减少大学的行为行动提供紧急援助 为学生参与的情况. 在需要帮助的情况下,学生的 decision to seek help will be considered favorably and will be considered in any decision 追求可能的行为行为.

What records are kept regarding incidents involving the 负责任行动协议?

The Office of Student 责任及社会标准 (OSRCS) maintain student 纪律记录. 根据联邦家庭教育权利和 Privacy Act (FERPA) and University policy, in most circumstances, information from a student's disciplinary record may only be shared with others when the student has 同意这样做. 如果你按照RAP行事而没有采取行动 is taken by the OSRCS, information about the incident in question will not be part 你的学生纪律记录. 如果你是证人,而你的名字在 incident report involving another student, your name will be redacted from that record 在记录被共享之前,除非是通过传票提出的要求.

Is there a limit to the number of times the 负责任行动协议 can be used?

学生总是被鼓励去照顾和关心他们的朋友和同龄人 并期望在任何时候都采取负责任的行动. OSRCS会进行调查 further if it appears a student is abusing the RAP in order to avoid being held accountable 违反社区标准的行为. 另外,一个学生 who demonstrates consistent and repeated patterns of such behavior may require further 评估和/或干预. 未能完成此类转介将被处理 作为一个行为问题.


有可能,但不一定. 大学保留与之一致的权利 the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), to contact parents or guardians when students under the age of 21 have violated University 政策 regarding alcohol 或者毒品,或者有健康或安全紧急情况.

Does the 负责任行动协议 protect students from the police or legal action?

No. The 负责任行动协议 only applies to University conduct action; it 不妨碍或排除警察或其他法律行动.

Does the 负责任行动协议 cover student clubs/organizations, 兄弟会, 和女学生联谊会?

是的,在某些情况下. 学生俱乐部/组织,包括兄弟会和 姐妹会(这里指的是“学生团体”)要求高标准, and following the RAP should not be construed as a way for a student group to avoid 共同采取行动.

更多信息,请访问 2023-2024学生手册.