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Google Apps & Listserv Technology

博彩网址大全ITS为博彩网址大全的Google Apps和listserv分发提供支持 lists) systems.

Google Apps

博彩网址大全与谷歌合作,提供基于网络的协作系统Google Apps explicitly designed for an academic setting. All faculty, staff and students of Saint Louis University are eligible for a 博彩网址大全 Google Apps account. (Please note: Google Docs and Google Sites are not HIPAA or FERPA compliant.)

Training is available through 博彩网址大全 Skillsoft.

Apps offered include:

Google Hangouts 

通过点击my博彩网址大全的Google Hangouts,可以使用聊天和视频功能 Tools tab. 为了最大限度地利用谷歌应用程序,确保你打开了你的账户 (email, calendar, drive, etc.) in a Google Chrome browser window.

要添加联系人,在“Search”字段中输入个人的用户名 chat box and select Invite to Chat. If a contact is online and available, a green dot or icon will display by their name.

Video chatting is available to anyone with a webcam. For more information about using Google Video Chat, visit the Google Chat support site at For more information on Google Hangouts, visit

Google Drive

Google Drive是博彩网址大全与他人合作的快速,简单和有效的方式 (faculty, staff and students) and worldwide. With Google Drive, you can import existing 或者快速轻松地创建新文档、电子表格和演示文稿. Once 文档是导入或创建的,您可以从中访问和编辑文档 any web browser; your documents are stored securely online.

有了Google Drive,你可以邀请别人来查看你的文档,并一起进行修改 - in real time.

请注意:Google Drive和Google Sites不符合HIPAA或FERPA.

想了解更多关于Google Drive所提供的信息,请访问Google Drive support site at

Google Sites

Google Sites是一种让你的同事可以访问最新信息的简单方法 within 博彩网址大全, and when necessary, to the public. People can work together on a Site 添加视频、演示文稿、日历以及自由格式的文本和图像内容. Creating 协作网站就像编辑文档一样简单,而且你总是可以控制谁 有访问权限,无论是你自己,你的团队,还是你的整个组织. You can even publish Sites to the world. You can create or update a Google Site at any computer with internet access.


How do I create a site?

Log in to, and create a new site by selecting the "Create New Site" link. 您需要填写以下信息字段来创建您的页面: 

  • Site name -在博彩网址大全的Google Sites下创建网站时,您的网站名称不能与 一个现有的网站,或者一个现有的Google Apps用户名(除非是你自己的). The name you assign will determine the URL where the site is located. The Your site will be located at this URL:字段是根据Site name字段自动生成的.
  • Site categories (optional) -在顶部插入关于您的网站应该如何在博彩网址大全中分类的信息 谷歌网站(这将有助于人们找到网站,如果它有更广泛的共享权限).
  • Site description (optional) - Describe what content will be located within the site's page.
  • Collaborate with - Define the permission levels for your site. The site can be made viewable by everyone at slu.Edu,只允许您指定的人(需要输入电子邮件地址)或 you can make the site completely public. (Note: The permission levels can be changed later, please see question 3 for more information.) 
  • Site theme - Choose a basic color scheme or background theme for your site. This will affect all sub-pages under your main page. (Note: You can change or modify the theme once 通过选择“More Actions”按钮并选择“Manage site”创建站点." Settings for themes and colors/fonts can be changed from there.) 

What types of pages are available?

  • Web Page —网页是一个非结构化的页面,您可以在其中输入文本、图像、表格和参数 embed spreadsheets, presentations, videos, and more. The web page has standard formatting 粗体、斜体、下划线、字体控制、文本颜色和文本高亮等控件. 您可以创建项目符号列表,编号列表,并轻松链接到您的 site. 您可以将硬盘驱动器上的文档附加到页面底部,并且 allow other site collaborators to comment on your pages.

    因为Google Sites是建立在wiki基础上的,所以你的文档的所有版本 are saved. 这意味着您可以随时返回到文档的早期版本 compare changes between different versions. Page subscribers are notified when the page is updated.
  • 公告-公告页是一个页面,使个人更容易 或分组发布按时间顺序排列的信息,如新闻、状态更新或值得注意的事件. 它可以用来发布组织新闻,发布项目更新,发布新版本, 从网上发布有趣的链接,作为一个简单的博客,等等. Page subscribers are notified of new posts, and updates on existing posts.
  • 文件柜-文件柜允许您管理文件从您的硬盘驱动器 and organize them into folders. This can be used to organize common documents in one place. 存储文档的版本历史记录,因此您可以随时返回到较早的版本 version. 页面订阅者将收到新文件、更新文件和删除文件的通知.
  • List - List pages allow you to easily track lists of information. You can choose from a list of templates or configure your own custom columns. Items can be easily added, updated and removed. Page subscribers are notified of list additions, deletions, and updates.

How do I control who has access to my site?

To control who has access to your site:

  • Click "More Actions," and select "Share This Site" from the menu.
  • Enter the email addresses of those you want to share your site with.
  • 选择要授予的权限级别(所有者、协作者、查看者). 
  • Click "Invite These People." 

请注意,博彩网址大全用户需要使用他们的Google Apps ID和密码登录 if the site is specific to individual users or to the 博彩网址大全 community. 

我可以创建一个主网站,但给不同的访问级别的子页面 that site?

No. 的子页面分配不同的访问级别 a site. 这意味着,如果用户访问了该站点,他们将能够看到 all of the pages and sub-pages within that site. 

请注意:您可以将文档附加到具有不同访问权限的站点 than your site. When you do this, the permission levels from the documents override the site permissions. If you have not shared a document with someone but you post 即使是他们可以查看的网站,他们仍然无法打开该文档.

How do I learn more about Google Sites or get help with my Site?

有关创建您的第一个谷歌网站的更多帮助,或协助更先进的 features, visit You can also visit for further assistance. 

Access your Google Apps account by going to the Tools tab in the my博彩网址大全 portal.

有关访问或与智能手机同步谷歌应用程序的信息,请访问 谷歌提供了配置各种智能手机的详细说明 including the iPhone, BlackBerry, and Android.

For information on Google Apps accessibility, visit

For information on privacy and Google Apps, visit

Listserv Technology

博彩网址大全的listserv系统提供电子邮件分发列表和电子邮件 discussion lists. This system features web-based administration, message archiving and analytics.

Listserv地址位于与普通电子邮件帐户不同的服务器上. This changes 来自“@slu”的“@”符号后面的listserv地址部分.edu" to ""

Listserv Training and How-to Guides

下面链接的操作指南提供了使用Listserv的基本和高级指导 technology at 博彩网址大全. Click on the guide to view, save or print the pdf.

Managing Listserv Members

维护多个列表的列表管理员将始终通过列表登录 to the last list administered. If you'd like to administer a different list, click on the list name in the upper right corner of the screen. This directs to a menu where a different list can be selected.

Log In

Log in to accounts by going to and providing the login information.

Subscribing a New User

  • Send an email to 
  • 在电子邮件的正文中,提供以下信息(按指定的三行填写): "Login [listserv password]
    add [listserv name] [e-mail address] [user name]

    Ex. - To subscribe "Bob Smith" to the listserv "," the e-mail to should read:
    "Login [listserv password]
    add computergeeks Bob Smith
  • Listserv managers will receive a confirmation e-mail of this change.

When adding new subscribers users via the Web interface at, you may receive 出现错误消息,“您没有执行此操作的权限”." This error occurs when the "Basics" tab is used to add users. In the "Add Member" window through, select the "List Admin" tab (second from the left) and save all changes.

Unsubscribing a User

  • Send an email to
  • 在邮件正文中,提供以下信息(按提示用三行书写): "Login [Listserv password]
    del [Listserv name] [E-mail address]

    Ex. - To unsubscribe"Bob Smith" from the listserv  "," the email to should read:
    "Login [listserv password]
    del computergeeks
  • Listserv managers will receive a confirmation email of this change.

Viewing Listserv Subscribers

  • Send an e-mail to
  • 在电子邮件的正文中,提供以下信息(按指定的三行填写): "Login [listserv password]
    review [listserv name]

    Ex. - To find out who is subscribed to the listserv "," the e-mail to  should read:
    "Login [listserv password]
    review computergeeks

Password Updates

Click to Update Listserv Passwords