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Saint Louis University requires all students participating in a University-sponsored international program to have international health insurance.

Students spending time at 博彩网址大全­-Madrid are automatically enrolled in the Sanitas的健康保险单; 你’ll receive 你r health insurance card when 你 arrive in Madrid. 除了 to Sanitas, students will be enrolled in the GeoBlue Travel Medical and International Health Insurance policy.

Students traveling through Webster University’s study abroad programs will enroll for international insurance through Webster University.

All other students traveling 海外 will be enrolled in the GeoBlue Travel Medical and International Health Insurance policy. For 博彩网址大全-­approved programs, the cost of insurance is included in the program fee. For independent international experiences, the cost of insurance is $20 per week and 可以通过付款吗 博彩网址大全市场. Coverage is required for the duration of 你r time abroad (this includes students spending a week, month, semester or year abroad).

Once 你’ve received 你r electronic insurance card, 你 can visit the GeoBlue 网站:

  • 完成注册
  • Find a doctor in 你r region who accepts GeoBlue insurance
  • Read instructions on how to submit a claim (Saint Louis University will not do this for 你.)


By following a few common-­sense safety tips, 你 can greatly reduce 你r risk while traveling 海外. Please know that 你r safety is ultimately 你r responsibility.

  • Remain in regular contact with 你r family, friends and contacts at both 你r home 和主办大学. Inform others of 你r whereabouts and welfare so they can update 其他必要时.
  • Create and carry a list of emergency phone numbers with 你 at all times. 知道如何 to reach a doctor, a hospital or clinic, the police in the country in which 你 是旅行.
  • Keep 你r information current in the Billikens Abroad database. 这包括注册 any side trips 你 take while abroad.
  • Pay attention to warnings issued by local program administrators regarding safety 还有安全问题.
  • Stay informed on news and current events around the world.
  • Make copies of 你r passport and travel documents. 留一份在家里和你的 family and bring another with 你.
  • Stick to well­-traveled streets and try to walk in groups at night. 要特别小心 in a new city when 你’re not sure which parts of town are safe.
  • Do not leave 你r bags unattended.
  • Use alcohol sparingly and be aware that drinking may increase 你r vulnerability to 犯罪. Avoid substance abuse of any kind.
  • 注意你周围的环境.
  • Avoid political demonstrations, large crowds and gatherings.
  • Integrate into the host culture as much as possible, including clothing, mannerisms 和语言.
  • Have sufficient funds and/or a credit card on hand for emergencies.

Travel Warning Cancellation Policy

Saint Louis University recognizes the risks to safety and security of students who travel internationally, particularly to students who travel to countries where 美国.S. Department of State or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued 旅游警告. The University reserves the right to cancel or suspend any program of study, research or service at any time in its sole discretion if it determines that there is unnecessary or significant risk to participants.

Learn More 关于 Travel Warnings 


U.S. State Department Tips for Students Abroad

这你.S. 美国国务院网站 provides excellent information, advice and tips for students studying abroad.

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program

The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program is a free service provided by 美国.S. 政府对美国.S. 正在旅行的公民 to, or living in, a foreign country to assist in case of an emergency.

U.S. State Department Country Specific Information

The State Department's Office of American Citizens Services and Crisis Management administers the Consular Information Program, which informs the public of conditions abroad that may affect their safety and security. Country­-specific information, travel alerts and travel warnings are vital parts of this program.

U.S. 大使馆

找到链接 到U.S. embassies, consulates and diplomatic missions all over the world.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention
The CDC's Travelers' Health section provides information on health conditions around the world.

Not all countries use "911" as their emergency contact number, as we do in 美国nited States. 这个列表 provides a reference of emergency contact numbers in foreign countries, so 你 may reference how to contact the police, ambulance or a fire department. 请注意 that English­-speaking operators may not be available.