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阿卜杜勒·瓦希德奖学金 is a highly competitive scholarship for Ph.D. 学生 within the 研究生项目 in biomedical sciences at Saint Louis University. 的 奖学金提供给一名博士.D. 研究生和一个硕士.D./Ph.D. 学生 per year who plan to join the biochemistry and molecular biology 研究生项目.

候选人 with outstanding scholastic achievement and potential success in graduate education, along with significant laboratory research experience are encouraged to 应用.



的 scholarship is named in honor of Abdul Waheed, Ph.D.名誉研究教授 生物化学. Waheed joined the Department of 生物化学与分子生物学 as an assistant research professor in 1990 in the lab of Dr. 威廉狡猾. 他成为了 a research professor in 2001 and emeritus research professor in 2017.

Waheed’s expertise in protein chemistry, receptor biology, fluorescent microscopy 对他很好. His work focused on the protein defective in hereditary hemochromatosis, the functions, expression, localization of many of the human carbonic anhydrases, and enzyme deficiency in lysosomal storage disorders.

Waheed supported the 学生 and researchers in the department in many ways, could be counted on to ask questions and further scientific discussions at journal clubs, seminars, retreats, lab meetings. His presence in the department has continued 即使在他2017年正式退休之后. Recently, Waheed gave $1 million in support 未来的威廉S. 斯莱百年纪念椅. 我们感谢他的支持.


的 scholarship includes an increased yearly stipend of $35,000 in addition to tuition and health insurance, covers three years for Ph.D. 核心学生和一年 为米.D./Ph.D. 学生. 的 awardee may start between June 1 and the first day of 八月班.

Scholars will be mentored by a primary faculty member of the 爱德华一个. Doisy部门 of 生物化学与分子生物学, who will provide close guidance and support 在研究、拨款写作和出版方面. 的 scholar will conduct research year-round in the faculty member’s laboratory, leading to a doctoral thesis.

的 department will provide the academic and physical resources required for the scholar’s 培训. Scholars will also participate in, contribute to, departmental activities, including journal clubs, seminars, retreats, poster sessions.


候选人 must 应用 and be accepted by Saint Louis University as a classified (degree-seeking) 学生 in the biomedical sciences core 研究生项目 as a new Ph.D. 学生. 候选人 will indicate interest in the Abdul Waheed Scholarship at the time of application.

M.D./Ph.D. 学生 may 应用 to the scholarship at the beginning of the Ph.D. 年, provided they have chosen a faculty mentor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular 生物学.


Scholars will take the first-year coursework in the 医学院 Core Graduate 程序 in Biomedical Sciences and, in subsequent 年, will take the required courses 在B.M.B. 程序. 学者们最多可以轮岗4个.M.B. 部门的实验室 during their first year, but will be required to choose a laboratory for their thesis 在第一年结束前进行研究. 第一年后,学者们将参加 the comprehensive and candidacy examinations required by the B.M.B. 研究生项目.

To continue a scholarship appointment, the scholar must remain in good academic standing by maintaining a cumulative grade point average of 3.每学年5元 appointment and by not receiving a grade lower than a "B" in any course. 如果一个学者 累积绩点低于3分.5, the 学生 will be terminated from the scholarship. Scholars who receive a grade of "I" (incomplete) must comply with 博彩网址大全’s academic standards as outlined in the graduate education catalog.



1. 申请博彩网址大全

Potential scholars must first complete applications to the graduate school and the 研究生项目 in biomedical sciences at Saint Louis University.

2. Provide Additional Information to the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular 生物学

Applicants should submit two additional items directly to LaChina McCoy通过电子邮件发来:

  • A brief personal statement describing your motivation for pursuing graduate 培训 in biomedical sciences and your long-term career goals.
  • A three-to-five page evaluation/review of a recent research publication that you find 特别有趣的.


    • a description of the research problem and goal of the work
    • a brief but critical explanation of the experiments performed
    • a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the experimental data
    • the significance of the reported findings and conclusions
    • a brief description of the direction you would take if you were to extend the work 在论文中描述.

3. Complete the 申请过程 by February 1

候选人 must complete the application process by February 1 for 学生 starting 同年的秋天. 强烈建议尽早申请.