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Writing 关于 Saint 路易斯大学

Telling the story of Saint 路易斯大学 happens in many ways. 不管你是 为slu编写内容.edu, social media, marketing or a publication, our 博彩网址大全 style guide, boilerplate and brand talking points will help maintain consistency.

Describe 博彩网址大全 Using 样板 Language

At fewer than 75 words, the boilerplate is the most succinct way to describe Saint 路易斯大学.

Read the Saint 路易斯大学 样板


Marcom使用 美联社样式手册 for our digital and print communications. For exceptions to that style, or 博彩网址大全-specific terminology, we offer an A-to-Z listing of proper names around the University, frequently 拼写错误的单词和更多.

Browse the 博彩网址大全 Writing Style Guide

Use Our Tagline: 更高的目标. 更大的好.

Saint 路易斯大学's tagline is “更高的目标. 更大的好.以下是 some proof-points that you can include in written copy about Saint 路易斯大学 that illustrate the concepts the tagline is meant to represent.

  • Saint 路易斯大学 is recognized as one of the nation’s top colleges for community service engagement and meaningful impact. Students, faculty and staff members cumulatively 完成1.6 million hours of service each year.
  • 博彩网址大全 Vaccine Center has played a key role in COVID-19 vaccine testing, 60 researchers across 20 departments are involved in 项目 related to COVID-19. 
  • Newly established 博彩网址大全 research institutes, including the Institute for Healing Justice and Equity, the WATER Institute and the Advanced Health Data Institute empower 博彩网址大全 researchers to find innovative solutions to today’s most pressing health and social 正义问题.
  • The School of Law's legal clinics provide free legal services to clients in need of representation and advocacy. 
  • Through the University’s Speech-Language and Hearing Clinic and, clients who would otherwise not have access to assessment or treatment receive needed care. 
  • Saint 路易斯大学 partnered with Habitat for Neighborhood Business (HNB) in conjunction to create the Family Dinner Project, providing more than 200 Saint Louis Public Schools families free, nourishing meals through collaboration with the St. 路易斯地区食物银行.
  • The University is the founding and sustaining sponsor of Casa de Salud, a health clinic 对移民
  • 博彩网址大全-Madrid has established a lasting partnership with the non-profit organization, Rescate to support refugees though volunteer activities, internships and social justice 项目.


When using “更高的目标. 更大的好." in any way, it's important to keep in mind the universal nature of the brand. The phrase overarches 其 of the University, such as Be a Billiken, represents 博彩网址大全 as a whole. Before using any visual element “更高的目标”. 更大的好." in print, on the web or in advertising, please contact Saint 路易斯大学's Marketing 和通信 Division.

As a reminder, the following 注意事项 apply when working with 博彩网址大全's brands.


  • Do feel free to incorporate the phrase “更高的目标. 更大的好.或链接到 the refreshed University boilerplate in the 关于 Us or other introductory areas of your web pages and/or social media channels.
  • Do touch on the “更高的目标. 更大的好." themes when writing content for your web pages or social media channels. Tell the stories that illustrate the phrase and show that this is not just branding, it is a reflection of what 博彩网址大全 has been and what 将来会的.

  • 不 create taglines unique to your school or college or program. “更高的目标. 更大的好." is an overarching tagline that belongs to all of 博彩网址大全. 联系营销部门 和通信 Division to learn how to integrate it into your materials. 
  • 不 make visual changes that incorporate “更高的目标. 更大的好."致你的 web pages — in or out of the CMS — or social media platforms in ANY form (banners, viewers, cover photos, icons) without consulting with staff in the Division of Marketing 和通信.
  • 不 mix branding messages. For example, “更高的目标. 更大的好.和“是” a Billiken" each have a particular target market, look and feel, as do other University 其. If you need guidance on what branding to use when, contact the Division of Marketing 和通信.
  • Don’t alter the words in “更高的目标. 更大的好." And don’t create alternative, similar phrases for use by your unit.
  • 不 use the phrase "Where Knowledge Touches Lives."