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What is "Semana de la Ciencia" in Spain?

by Isaiah Voss

Saint Louis University — Madrid Campus proudly hosts some of the 500 activities around the Madrid Province that promote science and technology to the general public.

The 23rd annual edition of Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación 2023 (Science and Innovation Week 2023, in English) started on Nov. 6 and will run through Nov. 19. Although coined "science week," it is a two-week long event. Open houses, movie showings, workshops, exhibits and conferences promote scientific topics to those of all ages and educational backgrounds.

A presenter points at a large screen reading Aprendizaje, vision e inteligencia artificial. Desde la investigacion basica al producto. or Learning, vision and artificial intelligence. From basic research to product.

Hector Barrio gives his presentation for the event. Photo by Ángel García.


Around 200 museums, nonprofit organizations and schools — including 博彩网址大全-Madrid — are partaking in the Madrid government-backed program this year. 博彩网址大全-Madrid has participated in previous editions.

Madrid's Dirección General de Patrimonio Cultural (Cultural Heritage Administration) organizes activities through Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d (Knowledge Foundation Madri+d), a research foundation based in the Spanish capital, on the same block as 博彩网址大全-Madrid's Manresa Hall.

博彩网址大全-Madrid faculty presented the following lectures:

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