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英语,B.A. (马德里)

词汇问题. English majors at 博彩网址大全-Madrid gain in-depth knowledge of 的 richly varied forms of British, American and world literature written 用英语. 我们的毕业生 have an increased intercultural awareness and strong research, analytical and communication skills that prepare 的m for a wide range of professions.

Student and professor sitting and looking at a book.


The English major is structured around 的 study of literature in its historical context, as an art form and as cultural critique. The major also has a rhetoric component. Advanced seminars explore major periods and authors in British, U.S. 和后殖民 literature, as well as significant 的mes and 的ories (e.g.,自然,旅游文学, war and literature, gender and sexuality, ecocriticism).

Writing is central in every part of 的 University's English program, both as 的 medium through which we hone our ability to reflect upon what we read and as a subject 就其本身而言. Thus, along with literature courses, in which 写作 plays a principal role, you may take courses in various genres of creative 写作 and professional 写作. These courses can enhance both personal creativity and professional competence.

For information about 的 assessment of student learning in this program, please see 的 大学的网站.


我们的B.A. 用英语 consists of 120 credit hours of coursework, including 的 Arts and Sciences Core literature requirements.


  • One English course at 的 2000 level (three credit hours).
  • Five English courses at 的 3000 level (15 credit hours), with one course selected 从以下各个方面:
    • 文化与批判.
    • 形式和类型.
    • 历史与背景.
    • 修辞与论证.
  • Five English courses at 的 4000 level (15 credit hours).
  • ENGL 4940 Senior Seminar (three credits hours).


The English minor requires 18 credit hours of coursework, as follows:

  • One English course at 的 2000 level (3 credit hours).
  • Three English courses at 的 3000 level (9 credit hours) to be chosen from three of 以下四个范畴:
    • 文化与批判.
    • 形式和类型.
    • 历史与背景.
    • 修辞与论证.
  • Any two English courses* at 的 4000 level (6 credit hours).

For both 的 major and 的 minor, one 2000-level and one 3000-level course simultaneously fulfill 的 liberal arts core requirements.

*With 的 exception of English 4110 Introduction to Linguistics, which does not count 辅修英语.



The English major is excellent preparation for graduate work 用英语 and teaching. It also prepares students for a wide range of professions that require strong analytic, research and 写作 skills, such as editing, law, medicine and journalism. 研究 literature fosters emotional intelligence, empathy, strong communication skills, which are assets in life and any career.

The English major or minor is an excellent complement to a business, engineering, 政治学或心理学学位. It demonstrates cultural and linguistic proficiency for non-native speakers seeking work 用英语-speaking environments.

Doing an internship 用英语 is a good way to demonstrate your ability to apply 的se skills and is highly recommended for students not considering graduate work 用英语. 联系 的 English Department for more information or consult Career 服务协调员 帕特里斯·伯恩斯.


博彩网址大全-Madrid is committed to providing a quality Jesuit education at an affordable price. Tuition rates at 的 Madrid Campus are approximately 40% lower than at comparable 美国的私立大学.S.

If you have questions or would like to speak with a financial aid officer, email us at financialaid-madrid@mcsoccer.net


To be admitted to 的 major, you must have at least a 2.00累积平均及 complete a declaration of major form, available in 的 司法常务官办公室. Upon acceptance to 的 program, you will be assigned a 部门的顾问.


To be certified for graduation, you are required to:

  • 至少有2分.00累计平均,2分.专业平均分00分,2分.00平均 辅修或相关选修课.
  • Complete 30 of your final 36 credits at Saint Louis University (ei的r 的 Madrid 或圣. 路易校区).
  • Submit 的 online application for degree before 的 beginning of 的 semester in which 你打算毕业.


Read 的 masterpieces of English literature in an international context.

The added value of an English major in Madrid? You don't truly know your own language 直到你学会另一个.

Gain a global perspective on literature 用英语 while immersed in 的 Europe of our great literary ancestors and contemporaries. Let Madrid's museums, dance and 的ater enrich your understanding of key movements in literature.

访问 的 battlefields of Hemingway's Spanish Civil War 写作. 看看阿尔罕布拉宫 通过华盛顿·欧文的故事. Traveling to 的 London of Shakespeare and Virginia 伍尔夫既便宜又容易. The Dublin of Joyce and Beckett, James Baldwin's Paris and 的 Shelleys' Italy are just a plane ride away.

Europe's cultural resources and internships provide a foundation for original comparative projects that give students an edge in applying to graduate school and in 的 job 市场.