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Richard D. Harvey, Ph.D.


Courses Taught

PSY 3300 - Social Psychology; PSY 4330 - Psychology of Oppression; CIS 2850- Principles of Data Analysis; PSY 5460 - Advanced Organizational Psychology; PSY 6490 - Organizational Change and Development; PSY 6390 - Social Stigma and Prejudice


Ph.D., University of Kansas

Research Interests

哈维的研究主要围绕集体认同及其与社会的关系展开 a variety of social group related (e.g.(偏见、耻辱、肤色歧视)和组织相关 (e.g., engagement, performance) phenomena. He is currently a fellow of the Center 为行为科学应用提供咨询 在战略规划、多元化发展、组织发展等领域, and program evaluation.

Labs and Facilities

Collective Identity Lab

Publications and Media Placements

Google Scholar link
Walker, H., & Harvey, R. D. (In Press). 保持轻松:引入一种轻松的模式 at Work. Organizational Dynamics.

Harvey, R. D., & Harvey, J. P. (In Press). Random Assignment. To appear in B. Frey (Ed.)、SAGE教育研究、测量和评估百科全书、 SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA.

Harvey, R. D., & Kent, A. (In Press). Static Group Comparison Design. To appear in B. Frey (Ed.)、SAGE教育研究、测量和评估百科全书、 SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA.

Harvey, R. D., & Saffaf, F. (In Press). Random Selection. To appear in B. Frey (Ed.), SAGE教育研究、测量和评估百科全书,SAGE出版物, Thousand Oaks, CA.

Harvey, R. D., Banks, K, & Tennial, R. (2017). The Development and Validation of a Colorism Scale. 黑人心理学报,43,740-764.

Banks, K. H., Harvey, R. D., Thelemaque, T., Anukem, V., (2016). Colorism as a Form of Internalized Oppression. In J. Sullivan And W. Cross主编,非裔美国人身份: 意义制造与内化的种族主义,纽约州立大学出版社

McCall, A. R., & Harvey, R. D. (2014). Predictors of NBCE Performance. Journal of Chiropractic Education, 28, 9-15.

Harvey, R. D., Hudson Banks, K., & Tennial, R. (2014). A New Way Forward: The Development 两种色度量表的初步验证. In K. J. Norwood (Ed.) Color Matters: Skin Tone Bias & Myth of a Post Racial America. New York, NY: Routledge.

Solomon, E. D., Garczynski, A. M., Mattingly, M. J. B., & Harvey, R. D. (2013). The 可控性信念在肥胖病耻感中的作用. Journal of Integrated Social Sciences, 3, 92-105

Banks, K. H., & Harvey, R. D. (2013 online). Race. Oxford Bibliographies in Psychology. D. S. Dunn (Ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.

Bolton, L., Harvey, R. D., Grawitch, M., & Barber, L. (2012). Counterproductive Work 情绪耗竭的行为反应:一个有调节的中介方法. Stress and Health, 23, 222-233

Harvey, R. D., Blue, C. D, & Tennial, R. E. (2012). The Conceptualization and Measurement 心理学中的种族认同和种族认同. In J.M. Sullivan and A M. Esmail (Eds.非裔美国人的种族认同:种族与文化维度 of the Black Experience (pp. 29-52). New York: Lexington Books.

Harvey, R. D., & Scott, N. N. (2012). 工作场所心理研究指南 歧视[对Praeger手册的理解和预防]一书的评论 Workplace Discrimination]. 心理学评论:当代心理学- apa书评.

Harvey, R. D., & Garcynski, A. M. (2011). 偏见研究的当代应用 [书评:《博彩网址大全》]. 心理学评论:当代心理学- apa书评.

Harvey R. D., & Afful, S. L. (2011). 种族典型性、种族认同与健康 行为:文化敏感健康干预的案例. Journal of Black Psychology, 37, 164-184. doi: 10.1177/0095798410376244

Ashdown, B. K., Gibbons, J. L., Hackathorn, J. & Harvey, R. D. (2011). The Influence 危地马拉种族态度的社会和个人变量. Psychology, 2, 78-84. doi:10.4236/psych.2011.22013

Hackathorn, J. & Harvey, R. D. (2011). 性别双重标准:观念上的偏见 of Cyber-Infidelity. Sexuality & Culture, 15, 100-113.

Harvey, R. D., & Blue, C. D. (2011). 偏见研究的当代应用 《博彩网址大全》书评《心理学评论:当代心理学 Review of Books.

Harvey, R. D., & Tennial, R. E. (2010). 一种批判社会心理学的方法 理解多样性与多元文化主义[《博彩网址大全》一书书评] 心理学评论:当代心理学- apa Review of Books.

Kuebli, J.E., Harvey, R.D., & Korn, J.H. (2008). Critical thinking in critical courses: Principles and applications. In D.S. Dunn, J.S. Halonen, & R.A. Smith (Eds.) Teaching 心理学中的批判性思维:最佳实践手册. Blackwell Publishers.

Harvey, R. D. (2008). 在工作中获得乐趣是一件严肃的事情 [轻浮效应:为什么要放松]心理评论:当代心理学- apa Review of Books, 53 (41).

Harvey, R. D. (2008). 种族的生物学谬论和社会建构现实 [Review of the book How real is race? 一本关于种族、文化和生物学的资料书] 心理学评论:当代心理学- apa书评,53 (1)

Harvey, R. D. (2007). 工业/组织心理学方向. [Review (《博彩网址大全》)心理学评论: 当代心理学——apa书评,52 (28)

Harvey, R. D., & Afful, S. L. (2007). Psychology of Affirmative Action. [Review of 《博彩网址大全》一书. PsycCRITIQUES: Contemporary 心理学——apa书评,52 (17).

Harvey, R. D., & Francis, A. (2006). 职场多样性:受众、视角和 Methodology. [对《博彩网址大全》一书的评论]心理学:当代 心理学——apa书评,51 (42).

Harvey, R. D. (2006). 目标社会心理学研究时代的到来 Perspective of Stigma. 《博彩网址大全》书评 心理学评论:当代心理学——apa书评,51 (29).

Harvey, R.D., Labeach, N., Pridgen, E., & Gocial, T. (2005). The intra-group stigmatization 美国黑人肤色差异的研究. 黑人心理学报,31,237-253.

Curtis, A.B., Harvey, R. D., & Ravden D. (2005). Sources of political distortions 在绩效考核中:考核目的和评分人的责任. Group and Organization Management, 30, 42-60.

Oswald, D. L., & Harvey, R. D. (2003). q法研究女性的态度和经历 with math. Sex Roles, 49, 133-142.

Harvey, R.D.(2001). 个体差异对社会现象学的影响 stigma. 社会心理学杂志,41 (1),174-189.

Harvey, R. D. (2001). 学术成就上种族差异的困境. Black Pages, 14, 50-52.

Oswald, D.L., & Harvey, R.D. (2001). 敌对环境,刻板印象威胁,以及 本科女生的数学表现. Current Psychology, 19, 338-356.

Crandall, C.S., Tsang, J., Harvey, R.D. Britt, T.W. (2000). Group-identity based self-protective 策略:种族、性别和大蒜的耻辱. 社会心理学杂志,30,355-381.

Harvey, R. D., & Oswald, D. (2000). 集体内疚和羞耻是怀特的动机 support of Black programs. 应用社会心理学杂志,30,1790-1811.

Branscombe, N.R., Schmitt, M., & Harvey, R.D.(1999). Perceived discrimination among 非裔美国人:归因、群体认同和对幸福的影响. 心理学报,2009,31 (2):444 - 444.

Crandall, C.S., Schiffhauer,K.L.,& Harvey, R.D.(1997). Friendship pair similarity as a measure of group value. 群体动力学:理论、研究与实践,1,1-11.

Honors and Awards

哈维因他的指导和教学获得了多个奖项,其中包括两个杰出奖 教师奖、国际教学奖1项、研究生导师1项 award.