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A Reflection as Easter Approaches

March 14, 2022

"It’s often said, 'I’ll believe it when I see it.' But Ignatius Loyola reverses the saying: 'When I believe it, I’ll see it.' He observed that our vision largely controls our perception. If we think the world is a bleak place, full of evil, greedy, selfish people who have no love for God or each other, that’s what we will see when we look around. If we think that our world is full of goodness and opportunity, a place that God created and sustains and loves, that is what we’ll find."

– Fr. David Fleming, S.J.

Dear Friends,

It is no secret that this has been a year of struggle for many. We have suffered untimely, tragic deaths in our university community that have shaken many of us. The ongoing pandemic, the brutal war in Ukraine, and a pervading sense of disconnection – all seems to underscore that “the world is a bleak place.” We have been through a very difficult time, and many are hurting.

Yet, as we look at our community, we see that the world is also grace-filled and hope-filled. It is populated with good and generous people who care for one another, who desire to be in community with one another, who find so many ways of making a difference for the better each and every day.

We extend love and care to you who are suffering. And in these moments of connection, we find hope. We believe that “our world is full of goodness and opportunity” in part, because our world is made up of people like you. Each one of you, created, sustained and loved by God, is exactly who our world needs and hopes for. Your compassion, dreams and talents are a transformative source of light that is present even in the darkest moments.

We are grateful beyond words as we have learned of the many ways members of our 博彩网址大全 community have reached out to those who have struggled not just in these past days but throughout the year. Such acts of tenderness and mercy are reminders to us that love abides in our community. And where love abides, we find hope that together we will continue to grow and prosper as a university.

These are the great holy days of the Muslim, Jewish and Christian communities. We are called to  remember that we are beloved of the God who created us, who sustains us and who desires for us every good thing. In the Christian tradition, at the beginning of the great Vigil, the Easter Proclamation is sung as the Paschal candle is lighted. Let us take up this part of the prayer and embrace its spirit as we continue our journey together:

Be glad, let earth be glad, as glory floods her, ablaze with light from her eternal King, let all corners of the earth be glad, knowing an end to gloom and darkness!

May God bless you and all whom you love.

Fr. David Suwalsky, S.J.
Vice President for Mission & Identity

Fred P. Pestello, Ph.D.